
In depth profile of Life Concern Organisation

LICO spreads knowledge on preventing Mother to Child transmission (PMTCT), promotes healthy living and the proper use of medicines. It also headlines the fabrication and use of sustainable and enviromentally friendly briquettes in order to halt deforestation.

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HIV and Aids Projects

The Nasankha Umoyo (I choose Life) Prevention of Mother To Child HIV Transmission (PMTCT) project targets mvo-demonstrationwomen of child bearing age of 16 to 45 years and HIV+ couples in the rural communities with limited PMTCT information and services.

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LICO uses sports to fight HIV/AIDS in Rumphi

Sporting activities are part of the curriculum in Malawi primary and secondary schools and many students participate in the disciplines of their liking whether as a hobby, interest, or as competitions where money and pride are always at stake.

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Distribution of reli…

10-06-2016 Hits:4794 News Sebastian

In January this year Rumphi boma was hit by floods along the Mawerewere river and many inhabitants had been affected. Through the ELMA ...

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Every Vote Counts

11-04-2016 Hits:4671 News Sebastian

Or actually Every Footstep Counts, which is a film competition originated by the Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF) in associatio...

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Shot in the arm!

18-03-2016 Hits:4867 News Sebastian

LICO aids Rumphi District Hospital. Life Concern Organisation has come to the rescue of Rumphi district hospital’s cervical cancer dep...

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LICO scales up cervi…

18-03-2016 Hits:4811 News Sebastian

Life Concern Organisation (LICO) has stepped up efforts to combat cervical cancer in Rumphi district through provision of cervical canc...

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LICO engages youths …

18-03-2016 Hits:4466 News Sebastian

Life Concern Organisation has taken HIV and AIDS fight to the youths urging them to refrain from engaging in immoral behaviours that wo...

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Ministry of Educatio…

18-03-2016 Hits:3561 News Sebastian

Malawi’s Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has commended Life Concern Organization (LICO) for providing HIV and AIDS ...

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Community by-laws on…

18-03-2016 Hits:6167 News Sebastian

Community by-laws on prevention of mother to chiid transmission (PMTCT) bearing fruits in Rumphi. The idea to formulate community by-l...

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LICO against early m…

17-03-2016 Hits:1012 News Sebastian

Over 60 school going girls in Rumphi district have been withdrawn from arranged early marriages and re-admitted to school thanks to the...

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Clean Planet Project

16-03-2016 Hits:1151 Climate Change Sebastian

Environmental Conservation for job creation Nowadays plastic is a threat to the environment and human health. The so called “Clean Pla...

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The by-laws have been instrumental in ensuring that women access periodic HIV testing together with their husbands, go for ante natal services and deliver at established health facilities with well qualified and trained hospital personnel. Of critical importance to note is the active involvement of men in seeking PMTCT services in the company of their wives. In communities that are patriarchal, it was very difficult to see men escorting women to antenatal clinics let alone get tested for HIV together with their wives

Figures in Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe show that 2088 couples were tested for HIV and a further 27, 665 people were reached with PMTCT messages. 1, 785 men also participated in study circles where they discussed matters of safe motherhood and PMTCT. In the area of Senior Chief Mwahenga, a total of 9995 people were reached with PMTCT messages, 743 couples went for HIV couple testing and 2026 men participated in study circles groups. T/A Mwankhunikira registered the following figures; 11, 066 people were reached with PMTCT messages, 685 couples were tested for HIV and 545 men participated in study circle groups. There has also been no case of home delivery compared to 2014 where 47 cases of home deliveries were reported.male involvmentMale involvement - husband escorts wife to hospital

About 24 male study circle groups have been established in all the three traditional authorities where they discuss issues of PMTCT and sexual reproductive health. There is openness, peace and happiness in many families as men are in forefront fighting for better health of their loved ones. Furthermore, 17 HIV-positive pregnant mothers have been initiated on ART (option B+) and they are being followed up for treatment adherence.

(Mr. Nyirenda, Journalist)

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Contact info

Life Concern Organisation

Reg. NGO No. TR/INC 4822

Opp. St Denis Hall

PO Box 145, Rumphi

T +265 372 083 / +265 888 555 199

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Copyright 2018 Life Concern Organisation (LICO). Website by TOEK, Senseven, Eigendraads Advies.